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Episode 146: If You Have Limiting Beliefs

Updated: Sep 26


Struggling with limiting beliefs? These self-imposed thoughts can hold you back from reaching your full writing potential. In this episode, we dive into what limiting beliefs are and how to overcome them. Take our Writer's Block Quiz to find your primary blocker and get tips to move forward!


You are listening to The Novel Writing Podcast, episode 146.

I'm your host, Colleen Mitchell. Grab a cup, cozy up, and let's get to writing!

Today's Topic: Limiting Beliefs—The First Category of Writer's Block

If you've taken our Writer's Block quiz and got the result of limiting beliefs, today's episode is for you. If you haven’t watched Halie’s video yet, go check that out first. I'll wait!

What Are Limiting Beliefs?

Limiting beliefs start when you find yourself saying things like “I can’t,” “I don’t,” or convincing yourself that something isn’t worth trying because you believe success is unlikely. It’s those subtle lies we tell ourselves that ultimately hold us back.

I have a piece of wood art on my wall that says, "All limitations are self-imposed." It’s a powerful reminder that no one is forcing us to believe in these limitations.

When we give into limiting beliefs, they cut off our potential. If we constantly accept the lies our brains tell us about what we can or can't do, it leads to frustration and feelings of being stuck.

How Limiting Beliefs Impact Writers

In writing, limiting beliefs might make you feel intimidated by successful authors with stories similar to yours. You might think, “If it’s not a new idea, no one will care about it.” But let me tell you two important examples that show otherwise—because after all, there’s nothing new under the sun!

Example 1: Hallmark Movies & Romance Novels

Hallmark movies follow a specific, predictable formula. Yet, these stories rake in profits because viewers and readers want something familiar, told in a slightly different way. Even if you know the ending, the novelty lies in the variations of character, setting, and storyline.

Example 2: Fairy Tale Retellings

Consider how many times Peter Pan or Cinderella has been retold. Despite countless remakes, we still enjoy them. (By the way, Ever After is the best Cinderella retelling. Fight me on this one.) These stories endure because each retelling brings a new perspective.

Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

If you believe that because other writers have told a similar story, the world doesn’t need your version, you’re depriving readers of your unique take.

The key is to question your limiting beliefs. When you catch yourself thinking, “I don’t have time,” or “Publishing is too hard,” or “My writing isn’t good enough,” don’t just accept it. Challenge it.

  1. Time: Everyone has 168 hours a week. You have more time than you think!

  2. Publishing: It’s more accessible now than ever. Both traditional and self-publishing have their challenges, but you can choose which obstacles you want to tackle.

  3. First Drafts: No one’s first draft is perfect. It’s supposed to be messy, and that’s okay!

How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Talking to other writers helps immensely. You may not even recognize that you have limiting beliefs until someone else helps you see it. As I like to say, "You can't read the label from inside the bottle."

Whether you feel like you don’t have time, think publishing is too complicated, or believe your writing isn’t good enough, you’re not alone, and there are ways to overcome these beliefs.

The 60 Day Novel Writing Challenge and our Coaching & Critique Group are excellent places to get support and tools for breaking through these mental blocks.

Final Thoughts

That’s it for today’s episode! If you found this helpful, I’d appreciate it if you left a rating or review on your platform of choice. It helps other writers discover the podcast.

Remember, the first draft is supposed to be garbage—and that’s a good thing.

Thank you for listening, and happy writing!


Show Notes

Dive into the first episode of the Novel Writing Podcast with your host Colleen and her sometimes-guest Halie Fewkes Damewood! Here, we give you the gist of who we are, what we do, and what you can expect from this podcast.

What to do next…

Halie & Colleen are both authors! Find their books below:


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